“Terminator: Dark Fate” (2019) is a science fiction action film directed by Tim Miller and produced by James Cameron, the creator of the Terminator franchise. It serves as the direct sequel to Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), effectively ignoring the events of the other Terminator films that followed. The movie stars Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger, reprising their iconic roles as Sarah Connor and the Terminator, alongside Mackenzie Davis, Natalia Reyes, Gabriel Luna, and Diego Boneta.
Plot Summary
Set in the year 2020, Terminator: Dark Fate follows the story of Dani Ramos (Natalia Reyes), a young factory worker in Mexico City, who becomes the target of a futuristic Terminators from an alternate timeline. A new Terminator, known as Rev-9 (Gabriel Luna), has been sent to eliminate Dani in the present, believing that her death will alter the future of humanity.
In an effort to protect her, a cyborg soldier named Grace (Mackenzie Davis) is sent from the future. Grace is a hybrid, part human and part machine, which makes her incredibly strong, fast, and durable, but she is also physically weakened by her human side. Together, Grace and Dani are joined by Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), who has been hunting Terminators for years after the events of Terminator 2, and The Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger), a T-800 model who has unexpectedly taken on a more human form and a new sense of purpose.
The film follows their journey as they must fight to survive the relentless pursuit of Rev-9, while trying to understand the significance of Dani’s role in the future of humanity. Along the way, they must confront their pasts and the toll that their battles with the Terminators have taken on their lives. Ultimately, Terminator: Dark Fate explores the themes of survival, identity, and fate, while offering intense action sequences and spectacular special effects.
- Fate and Free Will: A central theme of the Terminator series, Dark Fate explores the concepts of destiny and free will, especially with regard to Dani’s role in the future. The film suggests that humanity’s fate is not sealed, and there is room for change, even in the face of overwhelming odds.
- Survival and Sacrifice: The characters in Terminator: Dark Fate are driven by the desire to survive and protect each other. Both Sarah Connor and Grace make sacrifices to ensure Dani’s survival, even though it means confronting their own personal demons and enduring great physical and emotional pain.
- The Human-Machine Relationship: Like the previous Terminator films, Dark Fate explores the complicated relationship between humans and machines. The Terminator, once an unstoppable force of destruction, becomes a more complex and sympathetic character, particularly in the case of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s T-800, who has evolved over the years. Grace, a cyborg soldier, also highlights the merging of human and machine, and the vulnerability that comes with it.
- Empowerment and Legacy: Sarah Connor’s character, who was once a helpless waitress in the original Terminator film, has transformed into a powerful and resilient warrior. Her arc in Dark Fate serves as a symbol of empowerment, while Dani’s evolution into a leader of the future demonstrates the passing of the torch to the next generation.
- Family and Connection: The bond formed between Dani, Grace, and Sarah is central to the film. The unlikely trio of women coming together to protect the future highlights the themes of loyalty, trust, and the sense of family that transcends blood ties. In many ways, the film focuses on the relationships that are formed in the heat of battle and the importance of working together to achieve a common goal.
Cast and Characters
- Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor: Sarah Connor returns to her iconic role as the fierce and battle-hardened protector of humanity. She has spent the years since Terminator 2 hunting down Terminators, and she joins forces with Grace and Dani to stop the latest threat.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger as The Terminator (T-800): The T-800, also known as “Carl,” has evolved over the years and now lives a quieter life in the years after the events of Terminator 2. His role in the story has changed, and he offers valuable assistance to Sarah and Dani.
- Mackenzie Davis as Grace: Grace is a soldier from the future who has been enhanced with cybernetic technology. She is tasked with protecting Dani and is one of the film’s central protagonists. Grace’s hybrid nature makes her an intriguing and complex character.
- Natalia Reyes as Dani Ramos: Dani is a young woman who becomes the target of the Rev-9 Terminator. She has a significant role in the future of humanity, and her journey from a factory worker to a leader forms the core of the film’s plot.
- Gabriel Luna as Rev-9: The Rev-9 is a new and highly advanced model of Terminator, capable of separating its exoskeleton and liquid metal interior to create an even more dangerous threat. Rev-9 is the main antagonist of the film, relentlessly hunting Dani.
- Diego Boneta as Diego Ramos: Dani’s brother, who plays a pivotal role early in the film. His character serves as part of the family dynamic and is involved in the events that lead to Dani becoming a target for the Terminator.
Style and Tone
Terminator: Dark Fate is a high-octane action film, blending spectacular visual effects with intense fight scenes and thrilling chases. Director Tim Miller brings a modern sensibility to the franchise, creating sequences that are both exciting and emotional. The film’s tone is darker and more grounded than its predecessors, with a focus on character development and personal stakes alongside the explosive action.
The movie also incorporates a lot of the elements that made the first two Terminator films iconic, such as time travel, cyborgs, and the constant threat of annihilation. However, it also introduces new ideas, such as Grace’s cyborg enhancements and the deeper exploration of the Terminator’s evolution over the years.
Terminator: Dark Fate received generally positive reviews from critics, particularly for its performances, action sequences, and the return of Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor. Critics appreciated the film’s attempt to return the franchise to its roots by ignoring the events of the other sequels and focusing on the characters of Sarah Connor and the Terminator.
However, some critics and fans felt the movie did not fully live up to the legacy of the earlier films in the franchise, with mixed opinions on the plot and pacing. Despite its strong action sequences and visual effects, Dark Fate underperformed at the box office, which led to uncertainty about the future of the Terminator series.
Terminator: Dark Fate serves as a reboot of sorts, returning to the core elements of the franchise with a fresh take on the iconic characters and new threats. While the film’s box office performance was disappointing, it was generally seen as an entertaining and action-packed installment in the Terminator saga, offering both nostalgia for longtime fans and a compelling new direction for the franchise. The dynamic between Sarah Connor, Grace, and Dani, alongside the complex evolution of the Terminator, provides a solid foundation for the film’s themes of survival, family, and fighting against destiny.