The movie “In the Tall Grass” is a horror thriller directed by Vincenzo Natali, based on a novella written by Stephen King and his son Joe Hill. It was released on Netflix in October 2019. The story combines supernatural horror with psychological tension, set in a vast, eerie field of tall grass that traps the characters.
Plot Summary
The story begins with siblings Becky and Cal, who are driving through the Midwest on their way to San Diego. Becky is six months pregnant, and the two are close. They hear a young boy named Tobin calling for help from a field of tall grass. Concerned, they enter the grass to rescue him but soon find themselves lost. The grass seems to have supernatural qualities, constantly shifting so that people can’t find their way out. The siblings soon meet others trapped in the field, and the story unfolds with dark twists as they confront the strange forces within.
Production and Development
Vincenzo Natali, known for directing the sci-fi horror film Cube, adapted In the Tall Grass with King and Hill’s approval. Natali had been interested in adapting King’s works for years. The novella’s unique setting, where characters are confined by an open yet inescapable environment, offered a creative challenge that Natali eagerly accepted. Filming primarily took place in Ontario, Canada, where they created the seemingly endless field of grass that serves as the film’s antagonist.
Themes and Style
The film explores themes of fate, family, and the unknown. It delves into psychological horror, emphasizing the terror of being lost and isolated. The story also deals with existential questions, as the grass seems to manipulate time and space, trapping its victims in a looping nightmare. Natali uses wide-angle shots and the lush yet confining grass to create a sense of claustrophobia, emphasizing the characters’ helplessness.
In the Tall Grass received mixed reviews from critics. Some praised its haunting atmosphere, strong performances (particularly by Laysla De Oliveira as Becky and Patrick Wilson as Ross), and its effective tension-building. However, others felt that the story’s supernatural elements and ambiguous conclusion left too many questions unanswered.
Overall, In the Tall Grass is a psychological horror film that combines King’s and Hill’s flair for unsettling settings with Natali’s visual storytelling, making it a unique addition to Netflix’s horror library.